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The VEO-APP is a complete and portable tool kit for recording visible emission observations (VEO). The app is designed to provide one data source for VEO readings and Title V records and meets all the requirements of 40 CFR 60 Appendix A Reference Method 9.
The requirements of Title V can keep your organization buried in paperwork and is prone to error. The VEO-APP automates and streamlines Title V process. It enables you to complete your organization's opacity readings using modern GPS and mapping techniques and record all of the contextual documentation of readings in moments, while reducing the likelihood of human error.
The VEO-APP is developed by Compliance Assurance Associates, Inc.( CAA), the trusted name in Method 9 certification training. The app is run from your smartphone or tablet (Android or IOS) and creates reports that can be emailed to your compliance manager or clients.
Download the VEO-APP:
The VEO-APP works in conjunction with this website. It requires a account.
Please call 901-381-9960 or email CAA to have a website account set up.